As for the role that the blog plays in our lives, it has become an outlet for our innermost thoughts, a place where both Josh and I could share our "uncensored" thoughts on life, love, courtship, and marriage. We've chosen not to promote the blog via our personal social media accounts because we'd prefer it to remain a relatively personal and private outlet through which we can express ourselves without potential scrutiny and criticism from our more negative, doubting friend group. If, down the line, some of our friends and loved ones happen to stumble upon it, we hope it will be a blessing to them.
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I'm sorry to say that there are people in our lives who can act much like these treacherous aphids. Whether consciously or subconsciously, these people cut you down, belittle your talents and abilities, and try to set you up for failure. There are people that especially try to do this to your relationship or marriage. It's destined to fail. You'll never make it. Just give up now. Like I said, it's most often implied. They (or you!) may not realize it, but much like the aphids, they're crippling you or your relationship.
If possible, it's best to either completely ignore their negativity or if that's too difficult, you may need to reconsider your relationship with these people. That being said, I don't think it's always wise to try to cut these people out of your live. Oftentimes, they don't even realize that what they are doing is hurtful and negative. Instead of blowing up in their faces or trying to prove them wrong, it's best to trust in God's will and know that He has great things planned for you, regardless of the criticism you may face. After all, is there anyone that knows more than God? Is there anyone that can tell you what you can and can't accomplish or what your future will hold? No one but the Almighty knows and what He places upon your heart is for you only.
Personally, I know that I am guilty of acting or speaking negatively, quite often in fact! At times, I inadvertently become the aphid, choosing to focus on harsh criticism and dwell in my discouragement. When this happens, Josh repeatedly has to remind me to readjust my focus. The same is true for others. Sometimes we just have to remind them to readjust their own perspectives.
Though Josh and I have had problems and have faced our fair share of criticism, we've learned not to let it faze us. We like to let the criticism challenge us and strengthen our resolve and commitment to each other. While the "aphids" in our lives may threaten to destroy what we've worked for, we always remind ourselves to put God first and rely on Him as our primary source of strength.
We hope that you've been enjoying our posts and will continue following us on our journey. Thank you for each of the wonderful emails that you've sent us and for allowing us to be vulnerable and show our hearts without restraint. Feel free to contact us at Showinghearts@gmail.com if you have any suggestions for future posts, if you'd like advice, or if you need prayer. We look forward to hearing from you!
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